kapha: show protocols all airgapped_v4

Name       Proto      Table      State  Since         Info
airgapped_v4 BGP        ---        start  2024-04-03    Connect       
BGP state:          Connect
Neighbor address:
Neighbor AS:      4242420656
Local AS:         64737
Channel ipv4
State:          DOWN
Table:          master4
Preference:     100
Input filter:   (unnamed)
Output filter:  (unnamed)
Import limit:   1000
Action:       block
Channel ipv6
State:          DOWN
Table:          master6
Preference:     100
Input filter:   (unnamed)
Output filter:  (unnamed)
Import limit:   1000
Action:       block

lavana: show protocols all airgapped_v4

Name       Proto      Table      State  Since         Info
airgapped_v4 BGP        ---        start  2024-03-10    Active        Socket: No route to host
BGP state:          Active
Neighbor address:
Neighbor AS:      4242420656
Local AS:         64737
Connect delay:    1.927/5
Last error:       Socket: No route to host
Channel ipv4
State:          DOWN
Table:          master4
Preference:     100
Input filter:   (unnamed)
Output filter:  (unnamed)
Import limit:   1000
Action:       block
Channel ipv6
State:          DOWN
Table:          master6
Preference:     100
Input filter:   (unnamed)
Output filter:  (unnamed)
Import limit:   1000
Action:       block

rakta: show protocols all airgapped_v4

syntax error, unexpected CF_SYM_UNDEFINED, expecting END or CF_SYM_KNOWN or TEXT